Astrometry local
Astrometry local

  • Involve at least one IVS affiliated correlator.
  • Provide feedback to the observation schedulers and the stations.
  • Establishment of corresponding fringe fitting and post-processing.
  • Development of strategies for the correlation of the data and to test different correlation approaches.
  • Once technology allows (see Task 1), corresponding R&D session shall be scheduled and observed.
  • Simulation of various observation scenarios and anlysis of simulated observations.

  • Implementation of scheduling of satellite observations into scheduling software.
  • Necessary formulation in vex-files, interface to FS, antenna control.
  • Technical issues concerning the observation of GNSS L-band signals with legacy and VGOS telescopes.
  • Technical issues concerning observations of future dedicated co-location satellites.
  • The mandate of the WG7 comprises the following tasks: It might be possible to detect systematic differences between the orientation of the related reference frames by the co-location in space and finally even to contribute to improved satellite orbits and more precise EOP. satellites that can act as space-borne co-location sites, including also GNSS satellites. An enhancement to the current ITRF combination method would be to include VLBI observations of co-location satellites, i.e. There still exists several local tie vectors with doubtful quality and there is no independent method to externally validate e.g. One of the main products of space geodesy is the ITRF. Experts from the various fields, who are able to perform one or more of the different tasks will be brought together to enable observations of Earth satellites by VLBI.

    astrometry local

    In particular the development of corresponding observing schedules, of the necessary technology at the observing stations, data correlation, and data analysis will be promoted. The IVS Working Group on Satellite Observations with VLBI (WG7) will study possibilities to observe Earth satellites with the VLBI ground network affiliated with the IVS. IVS Working Group on Satellite Observations with VLBI

    Astrometry local